Rowing Template vs. Endurance Template

Greetings Docs, I noticed that you have released a new template focused on rowing. Excellent! Like many of you, I am also a C2 enjoyer. I have run the endurance template several times, generally in the fall to prepare for ski season, and I’m wondering: besides the increase from 10 weeks to 16 weeks, what differentiates the rowing template from the trusty endurance template?


Welcome to the Barbell Medicine forum. Happy to have you :slight_smile:

The Rowing Template is higher volume compared to Endurance 1 for both the conditioning elements (obviously rowing heavy) and resistance training. The rowing template also uses some double progression and has user-guided exercise selection. I think the rowing template a good progression from the endurance template. If you have enough time for training, check it out. You can get the first week free on the website or our app.


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That sounds awesome enough to be my new ski season prep template. Could someone jump straight into the rowing template off of something like powerbuilding or general s&c, or would you always recommend running endurance I first?

Yep, no problem running those back to back, as those templates have a decent amount of conditioning and lots of training volume overall.