Running Powerlifting II without intentions of peaking this cycle

If I was to run powerlifting II but decided it might not be best to go for 1rm testing this cycle, should I skip only week 13, or should I skip weeks 11-13 entirely (these whole three weeks are the peaking portion, right?)

Side note: I haven’t actually decided if I’ll test them or not, but I am rather figuring out by what point I should have make this decision. I noticed the best results I’ve ever had after running hypertrophy 2 into powerlifting 2. So, I think I might just benefit from cycling between them once more — dedicating my training to putting on muscle and developing strength in rotation while I am slowly gaining weight, or just repeating powerlifting II once more (peaking only after running it again). The overall goal is to just find the decision that will build the most strength in my lifts.

Admittedly I’ve been battling with indecisiveness when making these decisions.


Thanks for the post.

In this situation, I would just skip the actual testing week (week 13), but otherwise do the rest of the template as written. It’s cool if you want to cycle between hyper and powerlifting II, particularly if you’ve had good results with that. For me to maximize strength increase, I’d just be doing PL II on repeat until I wanted a break from that type of training. Still, it’s really hard for me to recommend against what’s working for you, you know?
