Hi guys,
Would it make any sense to skip week 13 on Strength 1?
I am not planning on ever competing so I’m not sure whether it would be beneficial to run this (seemingly boring) week.
I would very much prefer to transition in to either the hypertrophy or the powerbuilding block. Is this viable at all or does week 13 also function as a necessary deload-ish week?
Looking forward to any insight:)
Yeah, week 13 is basically a taper down toward attending a comp at the end of the week. If you’re not doing that, you could just drop it and go straight into week one of PB or Hypertrophy (which both have low-stress intro weeks). Still a good opportunity to test your maxes, though
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I’m running this template for the first time as well right now (week 8 currently) and I was planning on doing week 13 despite not having plans to compete, my reasons:
Novel experience.
Recalibrate my 1 @ 8 and validate I’ve been assessing that correctly.
I think there’s actually a little character building in doing something that truly pushes you to your limits, even if it only lasts a couple seconds.
Not worried about losing a single week, plenty more to come.
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Most templates begin with a low stress week, so I wouldn’t stress not doing that final week. That said, if you want to test your 1RM, I’d still do it, but if you don’t care about it, there really isn’t a reason to do so