templates question

hello, little backround info first, ive been lifting for some years now, have been folowing stronglifts and some other programs, i am fairly strong… now i want to get some serious work done.

i bought the powerbuilding II template just to get started and i ive learned about rpe and all of that stuff, and enjoy the program so far.
i want to be strong and train like a powerlifter and do pr`s, and i wonder how my template path should be, exsample
if i want to train and prep for a powerlifting meet, should i first start with strenght I-powerlifting II-and for my “meet prep” strenght III?
or when i have those years of training should i skip the strenght I?

also, i want to get som hypertrophy work to after i trained for max pr, so same question, should i skip hypertrophy I and go straight to hyper II?


I would be curious to see how you do with the PB II template first. If you’re getting stronger and gaining muscle size, I’d probably just keep repeating it before looking for something different. If you had a meet coming up however, I’d do strength II.

I cant find the strenght II template, do you mean strenght III?

No, I meant either powerlifting II or strengthlifting II- probably pl II in this case: Powerlifting II Template - Barbell Medicine :slight_smile:

yes, thanks, i just found a picture of your tempplate overview.
so now i understand a bit better.

quick question about template, is there any particular reason there is written “x 1 set” at the end, and not just leaving it blank? its just 3 sets total, 1 set-@7. 2 set-@8 and 3 set @9?

8 reps @ 7 rpe
8 reps @ 8 rpe
8 reps @ 9 rpe x 1 set


Yes, that indicates that on THIS week, it is one set, but you’ll notice that on subsequent weeks, that increases. :slight_smile:

oh ok thanks.

when it says 7min of upper back work AMRAP.
is it supposed to be 7 min without any pauses? i assume you gonna take some short pauses?


Yes, there are short breaks to be taken in the 7 min. You might check out the GPP section of the PDF for some additional helpful information as well!