Thoughts on snatch grip high pull instead of powerclean?

I have seen Rip et al argue that you should powerclean because it is more quantifiable, I.E you know you have produced enough force explosively when you are able to catch it in the rack position. Surely though, you could make the same argument for the snatch grip high pull, provide that, you ensure it is at nipple height at the minimum after the second pull/explosion with the hips.

What are your thoughts? A potential viable option if one prefers to do this? Or stick to PC?

If your question is about consistency/quantifiability, the concern would be if you were to turn the snatch grip high pull into a “Panda Pull”:

Though you could make the argument that the same thing happens in the power clean, where people can pull lower and lower under the bar as it gets heavier.

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What about using something like a KB Swing? I know the argument against swings is that the weight just isnt high enough to stimulate strength the way a deadlift or Olympic style lifts but if in this instance we are focusing on the force production then i assume that can be accomplished by being explosive with the swing.