Time Crunch

Hi, I have a question as how to best maximize weightlifting on a very tight schedule. I’m a long distance runner at this point (I’ve run two 50k’s this year~last one was two weekends ago~and am running the St.George, Utah marathon in October) and do my running early in the morning 5 days/week. I pepper in Muay Thai 1-2x/week & began BJJ this week and plan on attending at least 3 classes/week. With all the running I do weight training took a back seat and I know that at age 51 I definitely need to throw some into my schedule. I’d like to lift two days a week and bought the Time Crunch template a while ago and would like to utilize it. How would you recommend I combine 3 days of the template into 2? (I train 6 days a week and need to have Sunday off to go see the Raiders play…you know, priorities). Thanks in advance.


Sounds like a busy schedule! For lifting, I’d do days 1 and 2 one week, then days 3 and 1 the next week, then days 2 and 3 the week after that, and so on. I’d do them on your lightest running/conditioning days. If possible, I’d also do them before you run unless that means you have to wake up even earlier. That seems…unpleasant.

Hope this helps.


Thank you very much. I never would’ve thought of running the template like that and makes a lot of sense. Also thank you guys for all of the guidance you provide through all of the various forms of media. I’ve been able to keep off 200+lbs of weight loss for a little over 4 years now. Your work has helped me tremendously. Thank you!


that sounds good, so I’ll give that a try as soon as time is short or priorities change again.
Some templates have recently experienced an update, is the Time Crunch template also renewed, or are you still behind it as it is written?

Thank you for your great work.
