First the particulars:
39 years old
202 lbs
Started StrongLifts 5x5 at the end of May. I was draw to the 3 days per week, simple plan and the fact that it promoted Squats 3 days per week. Since then I’ve come across Starting Strength and now own Starting Strength 3rd Edition and Practical Programming. And through various YouTube sessions and reading found BBMed.
I am soft tracking my calories and macro intake (mostly only protein) and now take 5mg creatine every day. Targeting 3200 calories a day and 200g protein.
I feel that my squat is touching near the end of LP, but am conscious of eating, rest (I am father to 2 toddlers and feel blessed to hit 7 hours on any given night) and form. Additionally I am trying to fully map my program to the SSLP. My current state:
Squats: 265x5x3 - have reset twice now mostly recently from 280 - and I feel that I’m nearing my max LP here given my recovery (or lack thereof)
Press: 116x5x3 - my presses are weak and am revisiting my form according to SSLPv3 (Press 2.0 as I understand it is referred) - been mircoloading this for longer than I care to admit
Deadlift: 315x5x1 - no reset still moving been using belt and straps for a bit now
Bench Press: 180x5x3 - just failed my last rep here on Monday and may be on verge of switching to 2(.5) lb increments
Given that I started with StrongLifts, I have never done Power Clean and will probably not start now, so I have of course been doing Rows: 180x5x3 same pace as my bench
and recently just added Chins after I do my Rows.
Would anyone offer any alteration to the following training plan?
Week A
Squat: 265x5x3
Bench: 180x5x3
Row: 180x5x3
Squat: 90% light 3x5
Press: 116x5x3
Deadlift: 320x5x1
Squat: 270x5x3
Bench: 180x5x3 (missed last rep on Monday so repeat)
Row: 180x5x3 (same)
Week B
Squat: 275x5x3
Press: 118x5x3
Deadlift: 325x5x1
Squat: 90% light 3x5
Bench: 182.5x5x3 (switch to microload)
Row: 182.5x5x3 (switch to microload)
Squat: 280x5x3
Press: 120x5x3
Deadlift: 330x5x1
Thanks for any and all input offered!