Transitioning from StrongLifts

First the particulars:
39 years old
202 lbs

Started StrongLifts 5x5 at the end of May. I was draw to the 3 days per week, simple plan and the fact that it promoted Squats 3 days per week. Since then I’ve come across Starting Strength and now own Starting Strength 3rd Edition and Practical Programming. And through various YouTube sessions and reading found BBMed.

I am soft tracking my calories and macro intake (mostly only protein) and now take 5mg creatine every day. Targeting 3200 calories a day and 200g protein.

I feel that my squat is touching near the end of LP, but am conscious of eating, rest (I am father to 2 toddlers and feel blessed to hit 7 hours on any given night) and form. Additionally I am trying to fully map my program to the SSLP. My current state:

Squats: 265x5x3 - have reset twice now mostly recently from 280 - and I feel that I’m nearing my max LP here given my recovery (or lack thereof)
Press: 116x5x3 - my presses are weak and am revisiting my form according to SSLPv3 (Press 2.0 as I understand it is referred) - been mircoloading this for longer than I care to admit
Deadlift: 315x5x1 - no reset still moving been using belt and straps for a bit now
Bench Press: 180x5x3 - just failed my last rep here on Monday and may be on verge of switching to 2(.5) lb increments

Given that I started with StrongLifts, I have never done Power Clean and will probably not start now, so I have of course been doing Rows: 180x5x3 same pace as my bench
and recently just added Chins after I do my Rows.

Would anyone offer any alteration to the following training plan?

Week A
Squat: 265x5x3
Bench: 180x5x3
Row: 180x5x3

Squat: 90% light 3x5
Press: 116x5x3
Deadlift: 320x5x1

Squat: 270x5x3
Bench: 180x5x3 (missed last rep on Monday so repeat)
Row: 180x5x3 (same)

Week B
Squat: 275x5x3
Press: 118x5x3
Deadlift: 325x5x1

Squat: 90% light 3x5
Bench: 182.5x5x3 (switch to microload)
Row: 182.5x5x3 (switch to microload)

Squat: 280x5x3
Press: 120x5x3
Deadlift: 330x5x1

Thanks for any and all input offered!


Looks like you have moved to advanced novice for squats and are microloading your presses so I think you are doing good. I would move to intermediate programming next time you can’t recover from squats. It’s better to be making progress weekly than constantly resetting trying to prolong LP. It is perfectly acceptable to switch to intermediate programming for a stalled lift while continuing to microload LP your presses if it’s still possible. Good luck man!

Thanka for the feedback Bryan. Do you have thoughts on how to shift squats into an intermediate type format? Simply slide a Texas Method replacement in?


Jordan and Austin do not recommend Texas Method or 5-3-1, unless they are heavily modified to the point that they are no longer Texas Method or 5-3-1 programs.

They have an 8 week program called “The Bridge” that you can download from this site for free. The target audience for this program is people who have just finished the Starting Strength Linear Progression program. Perhaps you can take the squat workouts from there, while continuing linear progression on other lifts. By the time the 8 weeks are up, you can probably do “The Bridge” again, but for all your lifts.

(disclaimer: I’m just a novice who reads a lot)

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As someone who has done 3 day Texas Method, 4 day Texas Method, 5/3/1, and The Bridge…I would definitely do The Bridge.

Do the Bridge, its awesome :smile:

Thanks guys for all the feedback. I have a copy of the Bridge. I gotta work on my RPE estimation. How long do you guys find your workouts are taking? I’ve heard/read others taking 2+ hours doing the Bridge.