12 Week Strength vs Strength 1

How different are these two templates? My plan was to go Beginner → 12 week strength → strength 3 (I bought the 12 week a year or so ago before it became a legacy template). Is this a sensible template progression as I learn to program for myself? I’m not new to lifting, but the long layoff seemed like a good time to get re-started on the right foot

I just finished running all 36 weeks of the Beginner Template. I can’t recommend it highly enough. This was after doing SL5x5 and SSNLP with mediocre results. I’m not sure what the specific differences are between the 12 Week Strength and Strength 1. Someone will surely chime in with that answer. However, a lot of BBM lifters alternate strength and hypertrophy templates. My original plan was to start Strength I after finishing the Beginner Template. But I’ve been chasing strength for a while and feel like I could use the break from pushing intensity for so long. So I’m starting Hypertrophy I tomorrow. You might consider doing a hypertrophy template in between the strength templates or one of the power building templates.

You should note that the legacy 12WS template is a 4 day/week program and Strength I is a 3 day/week program. I don’t own Strength I, but I do own 12WS and Strength II (also a 4 day/week program). There’s absolutely nothing wrong with 12WS (it’s still a great template), but these days I’d be more inclined to go straight to the Strength II program instead if I was training 4 days/week and wanted to concentrate on maximum strength in the big three lifts.

@ropable Thanks for the response. I assume then that the 4-day hypertrophy-bias legacy template is also fairly similar to the hypertrophy 2 template as well?

@ShirtBeforeTheShirt That’s probably safe to assume. Going from memory, the legacy 4-day Hypertrophy template was a 7 week program while the newer Hypertrophy II template is 10 weeks.