12w strength Vs Strength 1

Good afternoon,

I was lifting weights regularly for about 5 years, but then took a layoff from lifting (about a year) after changing jobs. I am just starting to get back into it. I have been running the beginning prescription for about 4 weeks and already found that progress is returning quickly. My main goal is regaining strength at the moment and eventually doing my first powerlifting meet.
My question is, what are the main difference between strength 1 and 12w strength V2 templates and which would be better suited for me to run next? I want to run a strength template next and already own the 12w strength from barbell medicine. I don’t want to purchase another template if there are no reason to, but if Strength 1 is upgraded or shown to be more effective, then I would rather run that. I plan to run the 4 day hypertrophy template (which I also own) after the strength template and then probably purchase powerlifting 2.

Thanks in advance for the advice

Do you need to get this specfic already? If progress has really stalled that quickly (are you expecting too much in terms of progress on weight on the bar?). I got back into weights (much longer time off, closer to 20 years), and was able to make good progress on linear progressions for around 4 months. A lot of interruptions, so sometimes I would do a minor reset and end up exceeding prior PRs for a lot longer than that.

It would seem like once you are done with the beginner the bridge would be the next step?

Thanks for the reply. My progress hasn’t stalled yet. In fact, I’ve been pretty pleased with how fast I am making progress with the beginner Prescription. I was able to squat 330lbsx4 on week 3 of the template after a year of no lifting. I have considered the bridge as the next step as I have run it in the past with decent results. I guess my main thought about my next step was making sure that I am running the “best” option. It doesn’t look like the templates that I have purchased from barbell medicine in the past are still available. I’m not sure if they were renamed or have just become obsolete in favor of more efficient programming. If the newer programs offered are shown to be more effective, i would assume to run them. In the end, it may not matter and I’m probably overthinking it.

I wish I knew more about the templates and could be helpful. Only thing I could suggest, if not already, is try to email them and/or post to the moderated forums. I had a question and Dr. Baraki responded very promptly. Sure they would want to help a paying customer.

I sent them an email and got a response from Tom after I posted on the forum. He was very helpful and gave me a couple different options. I ended up buying Strength 1 and am going to give it a go. I’m actually looking forward to it as it is a bit of of a change up from the previous lifting that I have done in the past regarding overloads.