4-Week Time Crunch Question

Hopefully this doesn’t reveal too much information from the 4-Week Time Crunch, but I have looked it over and maybe I’m missing something. On the Google Sheet where the exercise and rep prescriptions are listed for each day/week, it has instructions at the top. It includes this quote:

From there, identify the corresponding rep prescription for each movement. For example. Week 1, Day 1 would be Competition Squat for 1 rep @ RPE 8, followed by removing 37% of the weight from the single @ 8 (to get 63%) e.g if squatting 500 x 1 @ 8, then you’d be at 315 lbs. Immediately after removing the weight, set a timer for ELEVEN minutes. Once the clock hits 10, start doing triples every minute on the minute until the timer is up. You can rest a little longer and do your triples at the 30s mark, if needed, but do a triple every minute if you can.

I can’t find anything on the actual template that mentions sets of 3 anywhere. For the competition lifts, it says “1@8, 5@9, -8% from 5@9, 2-3 sets”. I assumed, maybe wrongly, that you simply subtracted 8% from your weight of the 5@9 set and did that weight for sets of 5 for the next 2-3 sets. I don’t see where this subtraction of 37% and triples come into play. Thanks for any clarification.

Hi There, I am not sure where that text is from actually. :slight_smile: You are correct in the competition lift instructions here. You do a single at 8, then a set of 5 at RPE 9, and then subtract the 8% from that set @9. You are correct!