Any way to include stone lifting into training?


I got into strength training because I love lifting heavy stones, I know that these lifting templates are my best chance of getting stronger after the bridge, however I don’t want to leave behind the reason I started all this as I still greatly enjoy the cheeky stone session once in a while.

Is there a supplemental lift that i can replace with stone to shoulder without my progress going out the window? I’m fine with a little set back in the speed of progress. Just want to keep lifting fun. I haven’t heard you guys talk about strongman movements much, so I’ll understand if you don’t have an answer.

We’re planning to create some more strongman-related content with Alan’s help, so look out for that.

If you really enjoy it, you could incorporate that on a GPP day!


Oh sweet. I’ve been thinking about getting back into stone lifting, it is insanely fun and satisfying. Also probably killed me more than any other training I’ve ever done.

But yeah, heartily looking forward to the strongman stuff.

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