IRON & STONE: The (Redundant) Adventures of an Amateur Strongman

Like some others, I have kept (and will continue to keep) my primary log over at Exodus Strength… however Exodus is down and I took my own data for granted so out of boredom and maybe some future necessity I’m starting a redundant log here. Once Exodus comes back up I’ll see if I can make it a habit of dropping entries/data once a week here as a backup. Exodus would continue to be daily updates…

Anyway, BBM seems a bit quieter in the log/forums dept, and (I would guess) is more primarily relegated to powerlifting/general enthusiasts than strongman… but if anyone comes across this and wants to pick my brain on strongman, here’s my street cred:

I’m a 34 year old dude born/raised in WNY, started strength training and strongman in 2017. I primarily compete as a heavyweight in USS 242 and have a bunch of contests under my belt, with a few podium finishes. To date my numbers worth noting include a 705 lb deadlift, 300 lb log press, 275 lb axle press, and a 385 lb bench (I was set for 405+ last year before I took an arrow in the shoulder). Most recently I’ve dropped ~35 lbs of BW and plan to spend at least 2021 competing as a sub 220 middleweight. Looking like I’ll have at least 4 contests this year, with one second place finish (team) and 3 more to go this year…

I’ve used BBM templates in the past, and tend to grab from my experiences there when structuring programming/rep schemes/etc…

In a few weeks post contest I’ll probably run one of Alan’s strongman blocks as an interim between contests to feel it out a bit (only 5 weeks between the next two…)


BW: 215.9

Viper Press
245x2x3, 205x5x3

Bench Press
225x6, 255x6, 275x6, 260x6

Farmers Carry 60ft

Stone Load

Fat Grip Curls

Band Pressdowns


Axle Deadlift (30 sec)

Front Squat
355x5, 320x5x3

365x8, 385x8, 405x8x2

Roll Outs


Log Press EMOM (1 viper, 1 jerk)
165x2x2, 180x2x2, 190x2x2, 200x2x2, 190x2x2, x180x2x2, 175x2x2

Close Grip Incline Bench
275x3, 245x4x3

JM Press
160x8, 175x8, 185x8, 170x8

Band Rear Delts

In hindsight I think I planned to train 2 board bench… but whatever it’s a wash in the end this close to the contest anyway…


Axle Deadlift
455x6, 480x6x 500x6, 405x3x4 EMOM

Wide Grip SSB to 18" Box
335x5, 365x5, 385x5, 345x5
Think poor mans camber bar

T Bar Rows
160x10, 170x10, 180x10x2

Bent Band Fly
I know these seem out of place but think of these as working on the ‘crush’ of a stone pick


You still in WNY?


BW: 215.4 lb

Viper Press
215x1, 235x1x2, 215x3

Husafell Carry
200x120’, 275x60’x2

Stone Over 52" Bar

So the reason for the incredibly short volume today is because I drove out to I&S and fucked up. Apparently they start at 9 now, not 10… so I literally rolled out of my truck as they were finishing up log… threw my shit on and hit those vipers absolutely stone cold lol.

Husafell feels like absolute shit hahaha, stone was also totally cold, no warm up sets. First set was a very near missed triple, I was a touch too far back… hit two more solid doubles which considering my smol BW isnt shabby for me…

Last full week of training before CNY’s Strongest next weekend, having Exodus down makes it vastly apparent how spoiled I am/was having that data available. Typically I’d be looking at past peaks for some ideas but I guess I’ll take this as an ‘opportunity’ to try some stuff. Some script flipping today/tomorrow, and then probably a bunch of conditioning stuff added in until contest day.

Officially on the Open MW roster now for Rituals of Strength 4 in Rochester June 19th. Max keg press, ‘descending’ axle deadlift for reps, farmers/tire medley, truck pull, and (sigh) last man standing stone over bar… I really want to do good at that truck pull hahaha…

Axle Deadlift
525x6, 435x3x6 EMOM

SSB Squat
330x2x10 EMOM

Yoke Carry 50ft
440x1x10 EMOM

Last run with contest weight on the deads… reps were FAST… sub-30 seconds for those 6 with more in the tank… now I’m gonna try and hang on to that conditioning lol


Viper Press
225x1x2, 245x1x3, 255x1, 205x2x4 EMOM

Close Grip Bench
275x6, 225x3x5 EMOM

Incline Skullcrushers Myo Reps
85x16, 5, 5, 5, 4



Keg/Stone to 52" Bar (60 sec)
265x6, 220x5, 220x7

Yoke Push 60ft
350x1x6 EMOM

Keg first because I don’t have a heavier stone, first set with the stone it was slipping a lot, second set I put some tacky on my fingers and was able to bang out and easy 7 in a minute…

Yoke… just went with what I had on there to weigh it down and hell… was gonna do 10 but after 6 my legs were shot and I still want to puke…


BW: 214.5

Log Press EMOM
170x3x2, 185x3x2, 195x3x2, 205x2x2, 195x3x2, 185x3x2, 170x3x2

Close Grip Incline Bench

Keg Toss

Sled Drag 60’
250x1x8 EMOM

Air Bike
10 min @6-7

Very close to (I think) my lowest BW in 4 years… couple of split jerks in that pyramid… not very good ones… but some lol

Exodus is back up, but with it being contest week I’ll log what little I do here daily until after… then it will likely be weekly dumps…

Anyway, hit some singles on log yesterday… hoping to make my decision for jumps on Saturday. Leaning towards opening at 240, not screwing up 260, and then rolling some serious dice at 280 lol…


Viper Press
205x1, 225x1, 245x1x5

Axle Deadlift
405x6x2, 405x10


45 Deg Incline Press


Band Rear Delts

Band Pressdowns

Air Bike HIIT
Oh fuck this lol… ~5 min of light peddling after

Was planning on having some sort of session but didn’t. Life got in the way in the form of our old dryer finally shitting the bed to where it wasn’t worth fixing it anymore. Went and got a decent deal on a new one. So most of my afternoon got eaten up doing that and yardwork.

It was only gonna be some band work, maybe like a super light farmers EMOM or something. Spent some time with the theragun instead just working stuff out.


K so yeah, full meet report:

CNY’s Strongest Man/Woman 4: Part Deux
5/15/2021 - Lafayette, NY
3rd Place Men’s Open 220

Weighed in at 210 and change… so literally the lightest BW I’ve ever competed as lol

Max Log - 240, 260, 280(miss) - tied 3rd
Dang dude if I didn’t underestimate my direct competition. Actually I think a few of us did. It became clear during warm ups that we we’re all figuring each other out and strategy wasn’t gonna work. Three of us opened at 240, two of us missed 280, and top dawg (Utah lol) won the class with his opener at 280, and went on to get 300 and 320 for a PR just because. To say I wasn’t bummed a bit would be a lie, but my overhead has suffered with this new BW and I did about as well as I figured, it just wasn’t enough today.

Keg Toss - 6 kegs 22.9 seconds - 3rd
None of the kegs were marked and they were all roughly the same weight. Somewhere between 25-30 lbs? Maybe on the lower end honestly. This was by far the surprise event for me, I ripped all 6 over with no real mistakes which would end up helping me later. If I would have been smoother actually grabbing the kegs I probably could have had 2nd place, as we were only seperated by 3/10th’s of a second. Very pleased here.

Axle Deadlift for Reps - 525x8 - tied 2nd
Not much to say here other than this was a failure on my part that will bug me. I knew 8-10 reps was gonna win this event. I underestimated the other two guys in our top four who both got 8 reps. 1st place did 10 right before I went. I miscounted and thought I had 9 which was grindy, so I thought I’d settle and save myself for hus/stones. Turns out I stopped at 8. I really need to ask someone to count for me next time. Points wise it wasn’t a game changer, but it’s a personal rookie mistake I shouldn’t have made.

Husafell Carry Max Distance - 275 for ~175ft - 3rd
What can I say except I surprised myself here. In training 275 felt awful and I only managed about 60ft. Something about this Hus felt much better, I got a great pop off the pick and grip was only a slight issue where I had to stop and adjust halfway down. I pushed to max effort here. There was no ‘just enough’ lol. Every step the last 15 feet felt like my feet were made of lead and I had no idea how big of a step I was taking, just that I needed to keep moving. Kept moving until the clock expired. Good enough for third but a huge mental victory.

Atlas Stone for Reps - ~300x6 - tied 3rd
Probably the first time I think I’ve done ‘well’ at stones. I did screw up one rep towards the end which cost me what would have been a tie for 2nd, but I was lucky enough to have enough time to grind one more over that kept me in for a 3rd place tie. Tape slippage was an issue for a lot of us with the warm weather. Happy with my performance here, another max effort don’t-even-count-just-go event…

All in all it may not have been my best finish, but I did podium in a VERY stacked class against some very strong guys at a VERY light BW and this was easily my most CONSISTENT contest yet. I may have been middle of the pack all day, but there was no terrible event and that’s huge progress for me. Usually I have one event that I just do awful at the negates one where I do really well. In the end that kept me in the podium chase.

Finding out I’m gonna be a 3x dad overshadowed everything, but really helped cement this contest as one that will probably go down as my favorite over all. Very competitive, super fun outside, and a great return to full competition that I’ve been looking forward to…

SSB Squat
365x5, 385x5, 400x5

Strict Press
155x6, 175x6, 185x6

Hatfield Split Squat

Farmers Carry 60ft
205x4 all sub ~10 sec

Push Press
185x5, 200x5, 210x5

455x1, 380x5x2

225x8 / 185x8

CDB Press
90x3x3 (right), 60x3x3 (left)

Front Squat
290x6, 310x6, 330x6
My adductors are fucking PISSED

Power Jerk
235x1, 205x5x2

Ukrainian Deadlift
5" Sumo Deficit DL

Keg Over Bar 52" - 60 Sec

Was gonna be running a block of Alan’s strongman template but I guess I’m not for now… bicep tear on my right side. Trying to get an ortho to look at it at the moment, I’ll update with specifics later when I know them…


Belt Squat
180x10, 195x10, 205x10, 190x10

Incline DB Press

Overhead KB Walking Lunges

Training goes on, being a lefty is… weird.

Ortho called back right before I left work but all I got out of it was that they had to talk to the doc on call that day and that they would call me back either tonight or tomorrow. Fingers crossed I actually get looked at soon [IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“”}[/IMG2]


SA DB Press

Good Morning

DB Hammer Curl

Band Pressdown

Band Lat Raise

Training just the left side with a pump is some weird Jekyll and Hyde shit lol

Ortho appt Thurs at 8am


Tow Strap Deadlift

SSB Box Squat
330x6, 360x6, 280x3x4 EMOM

Leg Curls

Low Band Row

Holy these tow strap deads suck ass lol. Trying to figure out the right ROM. If I set them where my hands would normally be its like a block pull, set them near the sleeves and it feels almost like a snatch pull. Bar banging the shit out of my legs and I have to keep tension in my low back on the way down which gets exhausting. @TimK damn man, hats off to you for going 495+ on those lol

Currently weighing if I just do RDLs or something until I can use my hands again…

Was aiming for ~380 on the box squats but hit RPE a little early… prolly because of my low back…

Might try and fuck with Nordics but for now just tossed in some quick curls and some rows


BW: 219 lbs
For as shitty as my diet has been its amazing this number isn’t higher lol

Incline DB Press (45 Deg)
55x8, 65x8, 70x8

DB Power Jerk
70x6, 75x6, 80x6, 65x3x5 EMOM
I should be able to load these heavier very soon, and I might make an honest to God attempt to get good at split jerking them…

DB Tricep Ext
Was feeling these way too much in the shoulder even with very light weight so I just scrapped it and moved on

DB Curl

Band Rear Delts Fly


SSB Squat
330x8, 350x8, 360x8

Tow Strap RDL
315x6, 345x6, 365x6, 275x3x4 EMOM

RFE Split Squat

Sled Sprints 60’
165x6 EMOM

What the hell engage baby giraffe on those split squats lol. Regular squats went well enough but the SSB is putting pressure in the injured side that gives me some tingliness (for lack of a better term). Being careful not to flex but keep my back engaged, which is a strange and fine line to walk lol

Plan for now is to stick to Alan’s template, but adapted to single arm work and with no heavy deadlifts for now. Gonna use RDLs on D1 and Goodmornings alongside the squat work…


Axle DB Press
55x8, 65x8, 75x8

DB Power Snatch
65x6, 75x6, 80x6, 65x3x4 EMOM

DB Flat Bench

Band Low Row
Wasn’t my actual selection but I forgot I was supposed to superset a row and scrambled to just do something quick

Hammer Curl

ParallelHigh Cable Curl w/ Band
(I don’t know what these are actually called)


SSB Box Squat
330x6, 360x6, 370x6, 290x3x4 EMOM

Good Morning
240x8, 260x8, 280x8

Hip Thrusts

Reverse Sled Drag 60ft
235x6 EMOM

Thats right… hip thrusts are back for now hahaha…


45 Deg Incline Press

Power Jerk (2 jerks/1 split)
65x3x8 EMOM

Chest Fly w/Band
just adding in a little extra chest stuff, was gonna do them with a DB but the whole thing felt awkward with one arm so I just opted for a heavier band standing up
Scott Curl

Band Pressdown

Plate Curl
just fucking around with grip stuff, Sandwiched the 10s to see how shitty these were lol


SSB Squat

Tow Strap RDL
315x3x8 EMOM

RFE Split Squat

Sled Sprint 60’
275x8 EMOM


Axle DB Press

DB Power Snatch
65x3x8 EMOM

DB Flat Bench
Meadows Row

Hammer Curl
25x15, 30x15, 35x15



SSB Box Squat
295x3x8 EMOM

Hip Thrusts

Reverse Sled Drag 60ft
280x8 EMOM


45 Deg Incline Press

Power Jerk
65x3x8 EMOM

Band Rear Delts

DB Curl

Band Pressdown

Fat Grip Zottman Curl