Like some others, I have kept (and will continue to keep) my primary log over at Exodus Strength… however Exodus is down and I took my own data for granted so out of boredom and maybe some future necessity I’m starting a redundant log here. Once Exodus comes back up I’ll see if I can make it a habit of dropping entries/data once a week here as a backup. Exodus would continue to be daily updates…
Anyway, BBM seems a bit quieter in the log/forums dept, and (I would guess) is more primarily relegated to powerlifting/general enthusiasts than strongman… but if anyone comes across this and wants to pick my brain on strongman, here’s my street cred:
I’m a 34 year old dude born/raised in WNY, started strength training and strongman in 2017. I primarily compete as a heavyweight in USS 242 and have a bunch of contests under my belt, with a few podium finishes. To date my numbers worth noting include a 705 lb deadlift, 300 lb log press, 275 lb axle press, and a 385 lb bench (I was set for 405+ last year before I took an arrow in the shoulder). Most recently I’ve dropped ~35 lbs of BW and plan to spend at least 2021 competing as a sub 220 middleweight. Looking like I’ll have at least 4 contests this year, with one second place finish (team) and 3 more to go this year…
I’ve used BBM templates in the past, and tend to grab from my experiences there when structuring programming/rep schemes/etc…
In a few weeks post contest I’ll probably run one of Alan’s strongman blocks as an interim between contests to feel it out a bit (only 5 weeks between the next two…)