Haven’t really done these before - just wondering about a few technique things I should be considering while doing them - like do you arch like your normal bench or stay flat? Are your knees up like Jordan in the template video playlist? I’m guessing I should arch like normal, and not sure how much knees up/legs flat matters (I guess knees up can help with the arch?).
I arch like normal (which isn’t a lot) and keep my knees up.
Is this supposed to be an overload movement?
It’s like 5%-10% more than normal bench with arch and knees up for me.
I did knees up and arch, and I’d say it was very close to my normal bench press. But that was the first time I’ve ever done it so it’ll probably take a while to adjust and see the overload. It seems like it could very easily be overload work because the range of motion is decreased.
Strange cause my mid-shin block pull work is definitely less than my comp deadlift w/ belt, and that’s in the same slot / same programming as the floor press, with also shorter ROM.
Which bit is strange?
My mid-shin block pull is definitely an overload. So far I’ve been pulling at about the same weight as my 1@8 for comp deadlift, but for 4@9. I wear a belt for my block pulls though, and it might be a bit higher than mid-shin haha. I think I have seen Austin address in a topic how it might not be as big as an overload as people tend to think though.
If I understand what you mean correctly about the same slot/programming, I don’t think that necessarily means both have to be overload though.
Pretty sure block/rack pulls as programed by RTS/BBM are supposed to be beltless. Actually unless noted or you have some kind of back issue all movements are beltless.
So yeah block pulls are an overload for your beltless deadlift.
Also I’ve always done floor press with legs out and it usually come out equal to my bench. Will try with legs in and an arch next time it come up.
After watching Jordan’s vlog y-day, I realized that when he programs floor press you’re supposed to do it close grip.
Now this makes sense! Doing it close grip supposedly would make it “harder” for most people and avoid the ‘overload’ effect of a normal floor press while actually providing assistance work for tricep.
Will try switching and see.
No, he was just doing Close Grip Floor Press. When he programs Floor Press I would think he just means your standard grip or comp grip. In the 12 Week Strength program for example you can do a block of close grip, followed by regular grip, if you choose to do so.
Also I wouldn’t overthink the overload bit too much lol. I think it’s supposed to be an overload, but that doesn’t mean it’ll always be an overload for everyone.