Hypertrophy template 3 days VS 4 days


How long does each workout take for these two templates?
My schedule is limited by how long each workout would take, and not the frequency the workout. Am I correct to assume that 4 days template take less time per workout as all exercises are spread over more days? Thanks

Hi there and welcome! The 4 day template is MORE volume, so it is not less time per session. If you are limited in time each day, you can try things like limiting your rest and super-setting some of the supplemental work. I would expect the sessions to take 1.5 hours or so as long as you don’t mess around.

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Just a data point: I’m currently on Week 5 of the 4-day. Taking 2 to 3 max minute rests between sets, and warming up for the next exercise while working the previous one, I get done in about an hour.