Repeating weeks in beginner template

I’m running the Beginner Template version 2.0. It says last updated 8.8.2021.

The PDF says that I should repeat week 4 until E1RMs stop increasing. But when I compare week 5 and week 4, they look exactly the same. In fact, all weeks from week 4 to week 16 are the same.

Did you guys actually want say that I should move to Block II once I stop making progress in any week after week 4 in Block I?

Hey there!

Weeks 4 through 16 are the same programming-wise, i.e. they are “repeats” of week 4. We wanted to give people a place to log their training as long as they were continuing the same training.

We would recommend moving to Block II after you stop making progress on Block I. Weeks 1 to 3 on Block I are an “on-ramp” to the full training load on Week 4, which should is repeated on weeks 5 to 16. We think most people will be able to do ~ 5 to 8 weeks of Block I before moving on.

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Got it, thanks Jordan. I thought I was supposed to repeat week 4, then week 8, then 12, etc from Block I before moving on to Block II.

Week 4 is “repeated” on weeks 5 through 16 of Block I and we recommend repeating week 4 as long as you’re making progress.

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Ah that’s right. Got confused again. Thanks.