Condensed Beginner Template


I’ve had an extended layoff from training but am looking to get into the swing of things and bought the beginner template. However, due to my time constraints with University and my Part-time Job, I can only dedicate 2 days but will be able to do 2-hour sessions if needed, but ideally, I would like to keep things less than 90 minutes. I just wanted to ask how would you suggest going about modifying the First Block of the Beginner Template to suit this? Thank you in advance!


Thanks for the post. I’d probably do something like the following:

Day 1
Movement 1 from Day 1
Movement 1 from Day 2
Movement 3 from Day 1

Day 2
Movement 1 from Day 2
Movement 1 from Day 3
Movement 2 from Day 1
Movement 3 from Day 2 (optional)

Thank you very much! A follow-up question to this is I plan to run this 2x a week training schedule for the next 3 to 4 weeks and once things settle down, I want to go back to training 3 times a week again. When I do transition, should I continue with Block 1 and do 3x a week or should I move onto Block 2 on the beginner template instead?

If your lifts are still improving, I’d be hesitant to change anything you know? If your lifts aren’t really improving, I’d just move onto block 2