Starting Strength Transition to BBM Which Template?

Hey y’all - new to the forum and BBM – joined today 12 oct 2021 @ 0900 CST - where is this server that shows it to be 2:02PM join time? No matter the real post is this .

58 yr old male - 59 in December - finished/stopped SS due to just being worn the F out - partially torn groin - did Star Rehab and am better, but just beat!

I started in March 2021 @ 257# BW am currently at 250#

Have had years of BB experience but also laid off a couple years due to hip injury, partially torn biceps tendons (both arms) , depression, and the damned pandemic shutting tihings down.

Overcame depression - healed from injuries and got back in the gym as I stated - March 2021

Began with
SQ - 225 3SETS X 5 REPS
PR - 115 3 X 5
DL - 245 1 X 5
BP - 180 3 X 5

Last lift session week of Sept 13
SQ 335 3 x 5
PR 175 3 x 5
DL 365 1 x5
BP 235 3 x 5

This is where suffered groing injury and went on Starr Rehab

Back to gym on Oct 4 backed off weight

SQ 330 3 x 5
BP 230 3 x 5
Back Extensions
Chins / Pullups – (Lat Pulldown) just cant do chins for even one rep @ BW of 250

Oct 6
SQ - 335 3 x 5
PR - 170 3 x 5
Power Shrugs 405 5 x 3 (5 sets x 3 reps) I do power shrugs in leu of power cleans - just dont seem to be flexible enough.

Oct 8
SQ 340 2 x 5 I was just beat! barely able to recover from previous set to do second set - full 5 mins rest.

Okay all those “stats” provided to say I am happy with the strength gain even though didnt completely follow SS program as I veered off for a month to 5/3/1, but I am at a point where I am not recovering as I was and want to be, and I KNOW I need to drop body fat yet wanting to get stronger and bigger.

It seems obvious I cannot recover accordingly and need a change in program but I am severely averse to cardio for the sake of cardio - treadmills, running, etc.

Looking for guidance as to next program – I have considered The Bridge, but seems like maybe not enough for the level of strength I am currently sporting.

Hypertrophy 1 sounds interesting, but i do not know the contents. I am just gong to stop naming Templates and let ya’ll recommend and guide me based on “stats” and "goals, but I would also like to know how the templates work – app? Spreadsheet?

Stats - 58/59 yr male 250# 5’7" Body Fat unknown - chest 50’ - waist - 46" - actually muscular looking but a danned belly.


BP 315
PR 200
Squat 405
DL 500
Body Weight 215-220
%BF 15-18

Currently on a TRT program. Attempted protein intake 1-1.5gr per # of BW - not eating a lot of carbs - occasional breaksast biscuits - tortillas - pasta - rice - lots of water intake

What say you BBM coaches and forum? Get of the drugs with those goals at current age? LOL

Appreciate the feedback.

Sorry you haven’t gotten a response yet.

I would recommend trying the Bridge first before doing another template. Jordan and Austin designed it specifically for people in similar situations to your own - people transitioning from Starting Strength to more sensible programming. I don’t think your current S/B/D/P numbers are too high for the Bridge to work for you - mine weren’t far off from yours when I did it, and I’m sure plenty of people have done it with much more impressive lifts.

There’s a little more volume in the Bridge than what you seem to be accustomed to, but a lot of it is submaximal, which should be a welcome change for you since Starting Strength seems to be beating you up a bit. The increased volume, submaximal work, and dedicated GPP/conditioning should really help improve your work capacity and recovery issues over time. RPE might be a little difficult to grasp at first, but you should be able to get the hang of it fairly quickly. I’m sure you’ll find it to be a very valuable tool.

Plus, the original Bridge is free, so you won’t be out any money if you try it and don’t like it :slight_smile:

Potentially unpopular opinion: If you’re in the mood to spend money, try the Bodybuilding template. The high volume will really get you in good shape to run all their other templates. It will also really teach you RPE and when to back off. This took me a while to get right coming off of linear programming - it also took me a long time to decide that conditioning mattered, which helps too. It’ll be a fun break, coming out of purely five reps, and b/c its built into three six week blocks, you can just run one and not worry about losing much strength. Then again, four days may be too much for you at this point, so maybe the Bridge is all you need if you’re going to actually do the conditioning and follow RPE :slight_smile:
All i’m saying is, after running two blocks of the BB template (ok I a little weaker) I am tolerating Powerlifting II really well and making good progress.

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