The best program for 50+ post LP


I am just about to finish up SSLP and I saw Jordans video (Programming Considerations for Older Folks), about how older lifters got more benefit from Hypertrophy than Intensity.

Would that mean the 7-week Hypertrophy is a good choice to follow next, otherwise I was planning on the Bridge.

I train at home and don’t have access to the optional equipment.

Is the 4-day Hypertrophy template an option or should it come after the 3-day version?

Thanks for any info.

That’s not exactly it. The idea is that:

  1. We have substantial evidence showing that having higher strength and lean body mass are both protective against disease and death with age.
  2. On average, folks tend to be come more resistant to anabolic stimuli (like dietary protein and training) with age, along with evidence that increasing the “dose” of protein and training have the potential to partially, and in some cases completely, overcome this effect.
  3. Therefore, in order to drive long-term strength and hypertrophy outcomes, training volume should likely increase over time, and we should not be afraid to do so (despite people often thinking or having been told that they’re old/frail and can’t to tolerate this).

To be clear, this doesn’t mean you just lift light weights all the time – but if you don’t plan to compete in a barbell-based strength sport, focusing on developing maximal 1RM strength performance seems unnecessary in order to realize the substantial health benefits and quality of life improvements in this population.

I would do the Bridge first.

With that said, regarding your title of the thread – there is no “best” program for any particular demographic. Doesn’t exist. All we can do is try things, assess empirical results, and make adjustments as needed. We like our programs, but cannot make any sort of guarantees as to the results they will generate, since all programs generate a wide spectrum of responses (or lack of responses). Either way, this information is useful for guiding further training decisions.

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Hi Austin,
I’m 63 been “weight training” for many years to do sports now I concentrate on SS and BP 40+ (Sullivan & Baker) and your disagreeing the “intensity/volume” argument saying I can increase volume, is the Bridge a better way to go than continuing SSLP ?
Regards Steve