Different Templates for Beginner Prescription?

Hello There! My name is Michael, and I just bought the Beginner Prescription Template. I will be beginning this program from the beginning, moving away from Starting Strength Linear Progression, which I have done for only 3 weeks. Current primary goal is to lose weight, but hopefully see strength gains if possible.

Upon Downloading and reading the PDF, I noticed there were three excel files, Beginner Template Block 1,2, and 3, with 16 weeks of programming for each file, and with different rep ranges and programming. Which one is one supposed to choose, and why? Thank you.

Welcome, Michael! I am sure you’re going to enjoy this training template. This particular program has 3 phases, so you begin with Block 1, and then you’ll progress through 2 and 3. You will begin with Block 1 given your training history. There are some additional instructions in the PDF about when to make the move for each phase.
