Olympic weightlifting for gpp

Can relatively light cleans and snatches be effective for gpp work on off days? I’d like to stay proficient in the lifts without interfering too much with my strength training. Also, thanks for all of the content you guys put out, it has benefited me greatly.

Kinda depends on the lifter’s goals/context, and how we’re determining “effectiveness” here.

For someone who doesn’t care about their olympic lifts (for example, me) - then doing these exercises is not the best choice or use of time.

It sounds like maintaining exposure to these lifts is important for you and your goals, so this is a reasonable idea. The next question to ask would be, is this enough “GPP” work for you - which depends on other factors like your overall training load, how well you’re recovering/tolerating it, what your body composition/goals are, etc.

As usual, things get complicated … but to summarize: I think it’s fine for you to include these lifts on a GPP day, though you may find you need some additional work depending on other things.

Thank you for the detailed reply. And for context, I’m starting the bridge on M/W/F and was planning on doing the gpp days on Tuesday and Thursday.