Powerlifting 2 Template exercise selection

So I’m just beginning the Powerlifting 2 template. It calls for an overload squat and deadlift day where bands or chains are recommended.

The two gyms in my town aren’t equipped for that. What would be my next best choice for exercise selection ?

Buy yourself some bands.

For the deadlift you basically lay the band over the bar and step with your feet into the loops that hang to the floor. There’s nothing else needed for that. When you lift the bar off the floor the resistance of the bands will get stronger the higher you pull.

For the squat you either have to mount bands on either side of the power rack (either at the top so you have to put more weight on the bar or on the bottom somewhere where you have to reduce the weight on the bar but it’s essentially the same effect). If you only have squat stands or similar with absolutely no way to mount the bands you can try to get some heavy dumbbells or plates to place on the floor on either side of the barbell ends and mount the bands onto the dumbbells or plates. It’s important here to actually mount/wrap the bands onto/around the rack, DBs, plates or whatever object you find and not just place or pinch them under the object so they don’t suddenly come loose and flying at you.

Elsewhere on the forums Jordan has answered this with, “I would do rack-pulls/block-pulls for deadlifts and squats w/o belt for the overload squat.”

I bought bands from rogue. Super affordable. Mini red bands was like $20 to $30 shipped to me

Thanks for the replies. I’ve gone with rack pulls and knee wraps for squats.