Vacation programm question

Hi Barbell Medicine team,

I’m currently running the 12 week strength press-focused template (week 2), but will be without access to a gym for weeks 11 and 12. I will be doing whatever movements I can during those weeks (pushups, dips, strongman stuff if I find heavy rocks, etc.), but obviously specificity is an issue. I was thinking of stopping after week 6 (developmental block) and starting the hypertrophy program, because the sets and rep schemes I would be doing on vacation would likely be more similar to that program. Does that make sense? I know this is an odd question, so I appreciate the help.

When I think about long-term success from training, I think what you laid out is viable. Alternatively, you could run Strengthlifting II through week 10, not formally workout or do the calisthenics you mentioned for 2 weeks while you’re on vacation, and then restart the template when you got back. I’d favor the latter personally, but either way would be fine.


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