Hi all,
I just registered for my first ever powerlifting meet on June 22, 2019.
I have recently come off of SSLP and I have begun The Bridge 1.0 this week. My goal for training is to complete The Bridge 1.0 and then do a 12 Week Strength template since that has the peaking/meet prep included.
A few of my stats: 45 years old. 5’9", 205 pounds.
Recent 1RM: Squat 335 lbs, deadlift 315 lbs, bench press 200 lbs, press 160 lbs. My numbers are not that significant but I think with following these programs until meet time, I should have a successful increase.
I’d appreciate any advice on training, nutrition, supplementation that could be useful leading up to a meet.
Thanks in advance!