Next Step in Training

Yo! Hope you’re doing great Dr. Feigenbaum!
I recently finished Mr. Thrall’s 13 week program and saw pretty damn good gains off it (+30lbs to skwat, +25lbs to bench, +20 lbs to deadlift, and a couple pounds up… of muscle I hope lol). I’ve started the Bridge 2.0 template and i’m liking it for now, since it’s fairly similar to the last program, but a little higher intensity from the start. My question is, if I were in a theoretical financial crunch and could only pick one program to further my goals (strength increments, while attaining musculature gainzzzz), should I base my template purchase off the days I can train (I.E. 3 or 4 days plus GPP) or should I use the numerical value on their name (like Powerbuilding 1 and 2)? I’m thinking of milking the bridge a second time to see what I can reap from it, if that helps clarify anything. Thanks for your time!

Nice job on the last program :slight_smile:

I think Powerbuilding 2 would be great for your stated goals dude. It can be modified for 3 days a week if you need to.
