Programing for Endurance Sport Off-season Cycling

Hi Team,

I am an ex-powerlfter who switched to competitive cycling and would like some guidance on training templates. Our team strength coach gave a us a ‘strength’ program that I feel like goes against the intuition I built up being coached by Jordan, Leah and a subscriber of many to the templates later on. I am not going to discuss the speficis of their 20 rep single leg muscle imbalance correcting exercises, but would like to know which template would you recommend for off-season strength building (I am also trying to go down in weight from 95 to 85/87 kgs, not that this necessarily matters).

My guess would be to Strength I or General S&C templates, but I would like to know which one of them aligns more closely with Derek’s discussion in Strength Training for the Endurance Athlete Parts I-III?

Many thanks!